Thank you for considering supporting DiEM25, a movement championing democracy, transparency, and sustainability in Europe. In an era of questionable information integrity, DiEM25 is dedicated to building a democratic, green, and just future through collective action.
Every contribution, no matter the size, empowers our mission. If DiEM25 has been a source of inspiration or hope, please support us and join our community. Thank you.
Material and coordination for our thousands of volunteers across Europe and beyond.
Other political movements and parties have hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of employees. DiEM25 has about 15 staff (some full time and others part-time) to support a wide variety of projects across Europe, making your donation a great investment in a highly efficient, not-for-profit organisation.
DiEM25 nedostává žádné firemní dary, žádné veřejné prostředky ani státní dotace – jsme závislí výhradně na malých, individuálních příspěvcích.
Prosím, kontaktujte nás na, pokud s námi chcete probrat jiné způsoby přispívání nebp jiné způsoby placení.
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