
DiEM TV: News from the Frontline with Mehran Khalili and Radomir Lazović


Every evening switch on the television from the future!

We call it TV because we like retro-futurism. But it's much more than TV. In times of global pandemics, DiEM TV is special online and completely free series to understand the current crisis and offer tools and hope to get out of it stronger and more united in building the World After Coronavirus.

In News from the Frontline, our brand-new series, we interview people who are successfully confronting the establishment, to learn how they work and what drives them. The goal: to provide inspiration and tactics that we can use to strengthen our activism and increase our impact.

In this episode of News from the Frontline, Mehran Khalili will speak with Radomir Lazović, co-founder of the Serbian political movement Don’t Let Belgrade Drown.

Livrstream link: https://youtu.be/jSTYU9L4c-w

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07/12/2020 @ 13:00 EST
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This discussion will be livestreamed on the DiEM25 Youtube channel. Please ask your questions ahead of the event via the registration form.