
DiEM25 on-street 'community conversations' Derry 30 July

Az Esemény

Diemers in Ulster will continue their on-street 'community conversations' series with our third summer event in Derry on Saturday 30th July. This time we will also include defend NHS campaign by DiEM25 and UNITE, and the exposure of the inhumane and illegal pushback of migrants and refugees by the Greek authorities with EU connivance. We hope to generate conversations, interest and awareness on these and the other topics included in the list below; 

Gold mining project threatens livelihood of communities in Ireland 
Free Assange campaign: the ongoing human rights campaign to end the imprisonment and potential extradition of Julian Assange to the US  

Peace via a people’s diplomacy and a new non-aligned movement for active neutrality to end wars in Ukraine and other parts of the world. The Athens Declaration was recently launched by Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis with the aim of realising this.


Debt for Climate Campaign connecting social justice with climate justice 


EU Citizen's Initiative supported by Senator Frances Black and other campaigners, including DiEM25, calling for an end to trade with illegal settlements in Palestine and in other parts of the world 


Defend our National Health Service campaign by DiEM25 and Unite; 


Inhumane and illegal pushbacks by Greek government and EU against migrants and refugees exposed; 

Szeretnél értesülni a DiEM25 tevékenységeiről? Iratkozz fel itt!.

30/07/2022 @ 06:30 - 11:00 EST
Guildhall Square Derry city @ Derry, Írország
George Hill and Adrian MacFhearraigh Contact
Nyilvános, maximum 100 résztvevő
Event type
Street action


Guildhall Square Derry city