
Counter-narratives: a reading and discussion circle


This session is part of the counter-narratives study circle on anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist thinking, which meets roughly once in six weeks. More information on the study circle, its motivation and other events can be found on this page.

At this session of Counter-narratives we'll discuss "Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism" by Yanis Varoufakis. Please consult this page for a full description of the session and the latest updates. 

Technofeudalism is the notion that the owners of big tech are our new feudal overlords; we serve them by handing over data to access their cloud space. Under technofeudalism, our preferences are no longer our own – they're manufactured by the cloud, through a feedback loop that removes our agency. We train the algorithm to find what we like, and then the algorithm trains us to like what it offers. Cloud capital has shattered the individual into fragments of data, an identity comprised of choices as expressed by clicks, which its algorithms can then manipulate. Young people spend most of their time meticulously cultivating an authentic online identity, which is monetised by cloud capital. Even our time is not our own; we are cloud serfs. 

The book also discusses alternatives to technofeudalism, and how to build them. Democratising companies is one element: collectivising ownership, eliminating the class divide between owners and workers, and abolishing the shares market. Democratising money is another: creating a kind of monetary commons whereby central banks serve the people instead of serving private bankers and their permanently unstable banks.

One of the issues we might want to discuss at this session is whether capitalism is really dead, as the book suggests. Marx described our condition under capitalism as one of alienation – stemming from not owning the means of production or the fruits of our labour. Under technofeudalism, the contention is that we no longer own even our minds. But is technofeudalism truly and structurally different from capitalism, or is it rather yet another and even more virulent phase of it, following industrial capitalism, neoliberalism, financial capitalism? And how might this affect the way we build alternatives? 

Everyone attending should read the works beforehand, but it's OK if you don't manage to finish in time. The discussion will be open and informal – without presentations or guidance, as we're all equally in the process of learning. 

Please contact me (Sona) spxx@kpnmail.nl for further info, and if you plan to attend. In the latter case, please let me know at least 3 days in advance, preferably earlier (signing up here is not a confirmation). Looking forward to seeing you!
NOTE: This is an external event, but Diemers are more than welcome! You're also welcome to bring non-Diemers interested in the theme.


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08/03/2025 @ 10:00 EST
Nieuwland @ Amsterdam, Холандија
Sona P Contact
Javnost, do15 učesnika
Vrsta događanja

