
Free Assange Day X on-street action Derry 20th Feb


Free Assange on-street action at Derry Peace Bridge Feb 20th from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. Day X is here: The last chance in the British courts to stop Julian Assange’s extradition. The UK High Court has confirmed that a public hearing will take place on Tuesday 20 February and Wednesday 21 February 2024.

The two-day hearing may be the final chance for Julian Assange to prevent his extradition to the United States. If extradited, Julian faces a sentence of 175 years for exposing war crimes committed by the armed forces of  the US and the UK in the Afghan and Iraq wars. 

In Ireland we have our own similiar experiences of violations of human rights by the British state forces with shoot to kill policies, which they are now trying to keep obscure with their 'Legacy Act' passed through the Westminster Parliament. ANDREÉ MURPHY: Irish interstate case the correct response to British bad faith (belfastmedia.com)   

Our fight to free Assange is a fight to uphold and defend freedom of expression, including press freedoms around the world, since the US, with the connivance of the UK, is using the case in an attempt to set a legal precedent for extraditing and imprisoning any activist, journalist or publisher anywhere in the world who shares information with the public that powerful States do not want to be shared. 

It is also important to highlight that this fight is not separate from the struggle against Israel’s efforts to keep journalism out of Gaza by assassinating reporters and blocking the press from entering the 'concentration camp like' enclave. It’s also not separate from humanity’s overall struggle to build a truth-based civilization, nor ultimately from our greater struggle to become a conscious species, better able to collectively decide our own affairs in the interest of people, place and planet. 

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20/02/2024 @ 10:30 EST
Peace Bridge Derry (across from the Guildhall) @ Derry, Ирска
Ulster/Uladh Collective Contact
Javnost, do30 učesnika
Vrsta događanja
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Peace Bridge Derry (across from the Guildhall)

Derry Peace Bridge