Fund our Activism in the Netherlands!

Fund our Activism in the Netherlands!

We of DiEM25 in The Netherlands want to promote the ideas of DiEM25 and grow our member base.
To accomplish that we could use money, which will be spent on promotional material and costs of the events.
A few highlights of what we have recently we have organised:
- Solidarity trips to Germany/Bremen for their elections,
- Advocacy for Julian Assange’s release and preventing his extradition to the US,
- Co-organize the Global Green Jobs Conference in Amsterdam,
- Participating to many protests (e.g. Palestina/Klimaatmars/Anti-racisme/Assange).
With this money we could continue doing this and also put more effort in local actions, which would increase our membership and presence of DiEM25 in the Netherlands.

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Fund our Activism in the Netherlands!

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