Validating Council

Some decisions transcend the CC’s coordination role. As these decisions will often need to be validated quickly, it will not be possible to mobilise the entire DiEM25 membership to vote within a tight deadline. For this purpose, a Validating Council comprised of 100 DiEM25 members selected by sortition from a pool of self-nominated candidates is instituted. To learn more about DiEM25’s Validating Council (VC), please visit the movement’s Organising Principles.

According to the new Organising Principles, any DiEM25 member with voting rights (i.e. verified identity, up-to-date membership fee) can be randomly picked for the Validating Council at any time. You do not need to apply anymore.

The following people form our current Validating Council:

Thomas Abel-Wolf Nemecko I am Thomas, 48, and a teacher from Germany. Convinced of the rightness and importance of our movement, I am looking forward to the task.
Artoghrul Alishbayli Holandsko
Beatrice Annese Taliansko
Manuel Barreiro Baru Nemecko Uruguayan-German citizen. Lived and worked in 4 different countries. Trying to make a contribution for a better Europe.
Čila Berden Slovinsko
Grzegorz Bieniek Nemecko Freiberufler aus Düsseldorf, seit Anfang 2023 Mitglied bei Diem und Mitorganisator der Lokalgruppe Düsseldorf.
Louise Brunette Kanada
João Caldas Nemecko Music teacher from Lisbon. In Struggle, with joy and anger.
Tari Caliskan Nemecko
Lilia Christova Bulharsko Biomedical engineer. Speaking Bulgarian, Russian, English and Greek. Team worker.
wendy copage Grécko I am a British woman who moved to Greece and gained Greek citizenship. I worked for many years in educational publishing and now work on a volunteer basis locally to protect the environment and save local ancient path networks. I deeply believe in democracy and human rights and try to live my life causing the least possible harm to the planet.
vasco Costa Portugalsko Eu VC, sou artista plástico, operando no campo da cultura, da interação social e da ação direta. A atenção acordada sobre a informação recolhida, desde a rua, literatura contemporânea e na observação direta, sinalizam poderes! Promovendo um activismo!
Vesna Damljanovic Spojené štáty
Dimitris Daskalakis Francúzsko I am a Greek national that lived in the UK for several years and moved to France in 2018. I work in IT. I was never really involved in a political movement before but some years ago I came to realise that there is absolutely nothing to expect from traditional politics and unless we do not self-organise, our future will be distopic. I work full time and I have a family, so spare time is scarce. But I try to be as informed and as politically active as possible. This is why I am here.
Diedrik De Mits Belgicko My name is Diedrik, I am an IT Freelancer, with a family, who wants to make a change for the present and the future.
Jan De Tremerie Belgicko Active member of Diem25 Gent, helped developing LETS systems in Belgium, likes to be practical backed by good theory, experience (international consulting in organizational development, HR, marketing, risk management)
Yanic Dollhopf Nemecko I’m a student of history and political science at the Univeristy of Freiburg, Germany. Together with two friends I founded the local DiEM25 chapter in Freiburg in November 2022. My main interest right now is building connections to local groups in Freiburg to establish DiEM25 as a well-known and growing organization.
Barbara Edmonds Francúzsko I am a British citizen now retired, residing in France. I believe passionately in a democratic Europe and endorse the principles of DiEM25. I am a MSc in Policy Studies and hold a professional physiotherapy qualification.
Cristina Escarmis Homs Španielsko Nací en Barcelona el 6 de agosto de 1943. Soy científica jubilada. Pertenezco a diferentes asociaciones políticas nacionales de izquierdas.
Jan Feist Nemecko I'm honoured to have been chosen by the algorithm - happy to take this role in the VC.
Julia Ferro Francúzsko Hi everyone ! Born and raised in the Alps, I live in Paris for more than 20 years. Freelancer, my job is to make press review, a great way to stay tuned with the news ;) Otherwise, I enjoy a lot climbing and reading.
Mimi Filova Nemecko biophysics master's student from Gevgelija, Macedonia. talk to me about the balkans, queer culture, disability politics, online detox and visions of our future
Leon Filter Nemecko
Corinna Franchino Taliansko I am a 50 year old psychologist with a very strong interest in politics. I have been dealing with translations, writing and proofreading of texts, documents and videos of the main EU agencies since 2008.
Adams Fusheini Sierra Leone I’m because we’re! I’m a universalist from Ghana, in Africa, I believe that injustice and insecurity anywhere threatens the security and freedoms and peace of everyone, everywhere. I’m a democratic governance professional passionate for efforts aimed at achieving effective and compassionate representative democracy everywhere. Avid believer that together we can always do better!
Kate Gale Francúzsko I'm an American living in France. I'd like to echo Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla in saying: our mission is solidarity. We are not alone comrades.
Tamara Eileen Galloway Spojené kráľovstvo
Julia Galvao Alinho Portugalsko I am 50 years old. I work as a communication specialist and I am a PHD candidate in Political and Moral Philosophy.
EDOARDO GENTILE Taliansko I'm 54 years old, italian and I'm a neurologist. My political experience began when I was 16 years old in the Italian Communist Party, then in the Communist Refounding Party as a militant and as an elected in my city. From November 2022, when we built the party in Italt, I'm a member of Mera25 Italt.
Pascale Gillet Belgicko I am a socialist. And I still have hope!... maybe because the new generation cares about the planet and they've understood that we won't survive as a species if we continue in this system of production and exploitation. I'm bilingual French / English, I have both nationalities. I'm learning Chinese. I do hope the EU will change, will get more transparent, more democratic, but I'm not holding my breath. I believe the worst people in the world are those who profit from wars. I think one of the best humans alive is Jeremy Corbyn.
Thomas Gribovszki Maďarsko
Christian Hagen Nemecko
Tarja Hallavainio Fínsko Greetings from Finland! I am a professional in the field of education. I want to promote the realization of a more equal world, the preservation and improvement of the environment and climate. I value good cooperation and expert networks. I don't value anyone's pursuit of their own interests, but equality.
Creag Hayes Nemecko Although originally from the US, I have been living in Europe since 1997, 25 years in Prague, now Berlin. I established the Czech branch of Democrats Abroad in 2004 and chaired the group for 6 years. I joined DiEM25 in 2018. Prior to moving to Prague, I owned and managed two retail bicycle shops in Portland OR.
Alexander Herz Nemecko I am easily convinced by good arguments, but not at all by bad ones. I want to hear both sides of the story and do not accept to exclude people from the debate because someone claims they have property x and are thus excluded. I do not own the truth and I am open to the possibility that I am wrong and expect you to do the same.
David Houliston Spojené kráľovstvo UK based semi-retired counselling trainee looking for a better Europe and a better world.
Lorenzo Huskamp Nemecko Student of Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Marxism and Critical Theory. Background in filmmaking. Working experiences in the fields of media, communication, journalism and cultural organisation/curating. Left by heart. German/Italian roots. Convinced European. Pro animal rights. Human after all.
silvia iessi Taliansko
Sabine Karwath Nemecko Hi. My name is Bine,44, and I live in a small town in East Germany. Together with my girlfriend and our children. (18,15, 8, 5) I think, that a democratic EU is not an option. It's nessesary!
Ariane Kovacevic Belgicko I always find this self-description thingy awkward. So here's what I came up with for my twitter account a long time ago. It still applies...well, mostly, as life is made of chaos: 8 years a union rep. Unashamedly loyal to ideals. TINA? A lie &scam!
Pieter Kroon Holandsko first adapter, non-conformist, post-materialist, cosmopolitan. into nature, science, technology, progressive web apps
Hannah Lang Írsko I am a geographer by training, passionate about mapping the unusual, fantasy/sci-fi writing and debunking the doomed European narrative we are presented with on a daily basis.
ÓSCAR LOMBA ÁLVAREZ Španielsko Graduated in Law from the University of Vigo and Graduated in Teaching from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Social activist. I currently work in the Galician Health Service in Vigo (Pontevedra) Galiza.
BERAL MADRA Turecko I believe in the essentiality of DiEM25 Manifesto within the conflictual conditions of today2s democracy and capitalism.
Silvio Marx Nemecko I am a landscape ecologist from Germany and music producer in my off time.
Roland Matthews Spojené kráľovstvo I am 70 and retired after a varied career working in arts management, running a community advocacy organisation, as a counsellor and as a writer and translator. I have been a passionate supporter of the trans-national idea of Europe since student days and cannot wait for Britain to be fully integrated with Europe once again.
Patrick McCormack Nemecko Hi, my name is Patrick. I’m concerned about the state of Europe and the world. I want to achieve things together so that we all can live in a democratic, just, peaceful and sustainable world. DiEM25 is the best way to reach that goal.
Asma Mechakra Švajčiarsko
Silvia Missaglia Taliansko Hi. I'm Silvia, a 27 years old architect living in Milan. I am very interested in politics, geopolitics and economics also in relation to my architect job. Very happy to help and get more involved in Diem25.
ZIN ZAR YEE MON Nemecko I am an agricultural economist living in Germany. My interest lies in sustainability, food security and climate change. I am originally from Myanmar (Burma) but have been living in Germany for a long time. I speak English, German and Burmese. I will try my best to fulfill my duties.
Ulrike Müller Nemecko Medical professional, believing in human rights and international humanitarian law for everybody.
Mallika Muralidharan Nemecko Hi there! I’m a student in Munich, originally from India. I was politically active in my home country, and wish to continue my journey with DiEM25. I am deeply interested in anti-imperialism and justice for the Global South.
Stephanie Nichols Grécko I am a Greek woman worried about the future, Είμαι μια Ελληνίδα που ανησυχεί για το μέλλον.
William O'Dwyer Írsko Hello, my name is William, I am a history student at university. Strong supporter of a more transparent and democratic Europe and a union-wide Green New Deal. Hope to be of help to the movement.
Caitríona O’Mahony Írsko I am a musician and arts worker from Ireland.
Romina Paehrisch Nemecko
Christo Papadopoulos Spojené kráľovstvo Tech leader by profession, long time expat and above all an active citizen.
Kostas Papazachariou Spojené kráľovstvo
Heidi Paredes Portugalsko I am a Portuguese resident, feminist activist, originally from Mexico, studied in Germany, lived 23 years in Israel/Palestine, work with civil society organizations. 50 years old.
Μatina Potiri Grécko
Tonči Radmilović Chorvátsko I am 75 years old retiree. I lean to the left (politically), but I am fully aware of sorry state of the European "left" and everything that sells as left nowdays.
Jonas Rammasi-Laursen Dánsko
Yiannis Ravanis Spojené kráľovstvo I am a 28 year old Greek living in the UK working in software engineering.
Sean Reddin Írsko Hi. I am a 64 year-old man and have travelled, lived and worked all over Europe in various enterprises including a newspaper distribution business in Spain, a boutique in Scotland, construction work in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain and Slovakia and have also been a language teacher in Spain and Italy. Currently I am semi-retired. I am appalled at the way the world is going, particularly with regard to the housing crisis which I feel has mainly been caused by our corporate overlords and their vulture funds moving into every country globally and buying up all the housing stock to rent out at extortionate rents which any worker on an average salary is unable to afford. Add in the likes of AirBnB and you have a recipe for disaster. I feel that current governments are not taking this issue seriously enough as they are in the pockets of the corporate imperialists and soon (if not already) Europe is going to see similar high levels of homelessness as seen on the streets of the USA. That's my rant for today over.
Sérgio António Reis Sousa Portugalsko
Ludovico Rella Taliansko Sono un dottorando in Geografia all'Università di Durham, nel Regno Unito, e membro del Partito Laburista. Sono membro di organizzazioni politiche e studentesche dal 2003, e credo fortemente nella costituzione di un fronte politico internazionalista.
xenia ricart Spojené kráľovstvo
Linda Richter Nemecko 28 year old environmental engineer working in decentralized (waste)water infrastructure, spent my first 18 years in a tiny village in the German countryside then explored what's outside. Kinda here because of the latest book by Vincent Bevens. Amazed by the diversity of the VC and motivated for what's coming!
Tim Richter Nemecko I'm 54 years old, married and have three adult sons. I work as system administrator and researcher in theoretical computer science and I'm a hobby musician. Although not a fighter at all, I joined DIEM last year out of a feeling that I have to do "something". By taking on the responsibility of a validating council member I'll hopefully be able to make a small contribution.
Julian Robertson Holandsko
Martin Roger Spojené kráľovstvo
Henrik Sander Nemecko I´m an self-employed middleaged man with family and interested in democratic development. Member of attac and other groups. So i think it will be the best to take part of this Validating council too.
Tuuli Sauren Nemecko Hi, I'm Tuuli, Art Director/Activist from Europe, with a cosmopolitan mindset. I believe in engaging local communities, from Europe to Global South, in decision making and giving the population a final say in matters concerning them. I am passionate about indigenous peoples rights to self-determination, their land rights against foreign governments exploitation (through FTA’s and fake climate solutions like Carbon credits) and corporate land grabbing. I believe value creation is not in financial gains, the contrary, it can, and should be measured what value the policy, solution, initiative or project brought to the community. Special causes I care about: implementing people power, freedom of Palestine and fight against corruption and impunity in global scale. Thank you, algorithm, for choosing me. I accept the position with pleasure.
Nenad Savic Nemecko I am Nenad Savic, psychologist live in work in tech in Berlin. I am interested in the effect emerging technologies have on our mental wellbeing and societies. I originally come from the Balkans, so have strong interest how politics develops there and what role do the EU and its institutions play.
Markus Schaal Nemecko I am a computer scientist by education, with a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from TU Berlin, and I work in education, research, and industry. I am trying to understand the reasons that threaten our national democracies and I aim to find recipes to repair or first time truly establish democracy world-wide.
Sabine Scheufele Rakúsko I believe in fairness, solidarity, justice, that all creatures on this planet should be treated with respect. Human does not stand above any other living species and his intelligence should protect and care for our environment instead of exploiting it for the benifit of the few. I despice greed and envy. I’m very greatful that DIEM25 exists and maybe one day can change the mindset of the masses.
Laura Schiavetta Francúzsko Physiotherapist and multi-curious woman, I strongly believe our european and global way of life must be think over deeply, happy to help DiEM25 to function properly and to continue to ask the fundamental questions and give thorough answers.
Jan-Henrick Schröder Nemecko Triple Dad, Handyworker, Love cooking and gardening. Near Hanover, 40 years old,
Joris Seibert Nemecko I am a physics student from Berlin, interested in maximizing each person’s happiness on this earth.
Johannes Seidel Nemecko Dear fellow members, my name is Johannes Seidel and I´m 35 years old. I currently live in Potsdam (Germany) with my daughter, aged 6. My profession is drumming but at present I earn a living as an assistant to a person with physical disabilities. I am looking for new ideas that concern militant optimism to fight the ghosts of the future. Thank you!
Paul Simmons Spojené kráľovstvo
Pam Stavropoulos Austrália I absolutely concur with the need for rapid informed responses to the range of urgent issues DiEM25 addresses and feel privileged to be part of the team which assists in this capacity
Geert Van Opstal Holandsko Grandfather, 68 years, who believes in a strong Europe, based on solidarity. Themes: basic income for all European citizens, climate, and fair taxes (from income to fortune and of course for the multi nationals).
Laura Vialon Spojené kráľovstvo I am Laura, German national living in the UK (London) since 2019. After having worked in private practice, I came to be a Lecturer by chance, I am now soon embarking on an academic pathway to do my PhD – scrutinising the undemocratic nature of the joint stock company. I feel honoured to be part of the VC and look forward to participating in shaping DiEM25's future.
Wouter Vlaminckx Belgicko I work for the Belgian Immigration Office, single parent with 3 kids, even before the creation of Diem25 already an active advocate of real democracy, as opposed to profit as a guiding principle.
Vanja Wüster Nemecko Hello, my name is Vanja. I am 45 years old and live in Waldshut, a town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. I work in finance at a nonprofit organization that provides digital education and mentoring for displaced people and migrants. I am married, and originally come from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kaya Yazgan Turecko I live in Ankara, Turkey and took initiative in the Translation and Peace groups of DiEM25.
ΚΑΤΙΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ Cyprus Retired. Has been working in the private sector as export director.
Χρηστος Καλογηρος Grécko Hi, my name is Christos, born in 1981. My current occupation is a house painter. I'm currently enrolled at the "Hellenic Open University", in Computer Science. I will do my best, to the extend of my abilities.
Αγάπη Καραμανλή Grécko IAgapi Karamanli I was born in 1971 in Thessaloniki. I studied Macroeconomics and Theater in Thessaloniki, Theater Psychology and Philosophy in Paris from 2012 with Alain Badiou. We have been practicing yoga and meditation since 1987. I am a researcher in Applied Philosophy, Macroeconomics and Transformational Economies – Social and Solidarity Economy, Circular Economy, Commons and New Municipalism. We are active in Tourism, Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. Since 2011 I have worked for the expansion of the scope of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), the implementation and improvement of the relevant SSE law of 2016, Energy Communities and the Just Energy Transition. In 2010 I published "Born of the Stars". I have translated into Greek the book "99%" by Pierre Laurent (2017, Libreria Espanola Nikolopoulos). In 2020 I published the book "The Applied Democracy in the 21st Century" with free access to the internet. I am a member of the Nikos Poulatzas Institute.
Γεωργία Κιρκιλέση Grécko I live in Athens, Greece, 58 years old, veterinarian. DiEM25 and MERA25 are a very interesting experiment, I like being a part of it, hopefully we will have a positive impact on the dark ages we are living in.
Κωνσταντίνος Μαρασλής Grécko
Μαρία Μπρακούλια Grécko
Μαρία Σόφτση Grécko Ed-Member of Central Committee of MeRA25, ex-member of political secretariat ,Greece from October 2020 till May 2022.