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The Coordinating Collective is the body with the greatest executive power in DiEM25. The election takes place every summer. Find the 2019 election results here.
Eleições para este orgão acontecem cada verão. Se quiser, junta-te ao DiEM25 primeiro.
You’re now a member of the first-ever transnational movement that aims to unite like-mi...
Mais informaçãoWed
Join the Monthly Coordination calls for Eastern Europe and Balkans, and get to know DiE...
Mais informaçãoBrussels played host to Assange's 51st birthday ‘celebrations’ which were used as an opportunity to call for his release
Ler maisOn July 3 DiEMers ffrom all over Europe celebrated Julian Assange's 50th birthday with a coordinated protest action.
Ler maisTo mark the 50th anniversary of Assange, DiEM25 members will take to the streets in front of UK and U.S embassies in several European cities.
Ler maisOn Housing Action Day, DiEM25 members mobilised in cities such as The Hague, Brussels, Lisbon, Lyon and more to shed light on the housing crisis!
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